Tenure Track Faculty Position: Community Development

  • US
  • Full-time
  • Published: 2024-09-10 15:49:10Z

Tenure Track Faculty Position: Community Development

The Department of Economics and Community Development at Covenant College, an agency of the Presbyterian Church in America and an academically rigorous Christian college emphasizing the liberal arts in the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition, invites applications for a full-time, open-rank, tenure-track faculty position beginning July 1, 2025. Rank and compensation will be commensurate with experience.

For the past twenty-five years, God has used the Community Development Program at Covenant College to prepare students to participate in His reconciling work among people who are poor, both in the U.S. and around the world. Building on this foundation, the College is seeking to integrate the framework and tools of Social Innovation to prepare students to address poverty in a wider range of institutional settings and vocational callings. The College is seeking a professor who can help to shape this innovative, multidisciplinary program for a new generation of students in a rapidly changing global environment.

The candidate who fills this position will be interested in seeking new and creative ways to pursue God's redeeming story in a wide range of cultural and institutional settings.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Teach a variety of undergraduate courses related to asset-based poverty alleviation and social innovation that reflect both the core needs of the department and the professor's particular areas of expertise and interest (teaching load: 24 credits per academic year, with a course release the first semester)
  • Work with partner organizations to create outstanding, summer-long field experiences for undergraduate students
  • Engage in research, scholarship, and other professional activities
  • Mentor and advise undergraduate students
  • Participate in the life of the campus community and faculty governance


  • Doctorate in Community Development, Social Innovation, or related field in the Social Sciences from a regionally accredited institution by July 1, 2025 preferred. Candidates with a Master's Degree will also be considered.
  • Field experience in program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation in a range of cross-cultural settings
  • Demonstrated excellence in teaching
  • Enthusiasm for working with undergraduates in applied, cross-cultural research
  • Strong desire to engage in teaching and scholarship from a biblical frame of reference
  • Commitment to the mission of Covenant College

Interested and qualified candidates should send the following documentation to Dr. Collin Messer:

  • Letter of Interest indicating teaching and research interests
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • A Testimony of Christian Faith and Experience
  • A Response to the Westminster Confession (located at https://www.pcaac.org/bco/westminster-confession/) indicating agreement, and any scruples, with rationales, with the Confession
  • Philosophy of Christian Higher Education

Dr. Collin Messer
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Covenant College
14049 Scenic Highway
Lookout Mountain, GA 30750
Email: [email protected]